Andrea is a 24-year-old girl who has been fighting, against all odds, since she was born. After a very complicated pregnancy, 3 major surgeries, an ilestomy, 40 cm of intestine, a life expectancy of no more than a week and 1% chance of life, we contacted the best hospitals in the world with the hope that someone, somewhere, could help her. Boston Children's Hospital was one of the two hospitals that offered us a chance. After 42 days of life in intensive care, we flew to Boston and had our first consultation with Dr. Samuel Nurko, Director at Boston Children's Motility and Functional Gastrointestinal Center. Since then he has been the doctor who on more than one occasion has not only saved Andrea's life, but has also given her a quality of life during these 24 years. For this, we have always had to move away from home, at times for long periods of up to 3 months in Boston.
Professional service by Children's Hospital in Boston
The expensive treatments
The long stays, the consultations, the procedures, the surgeries, the plane tickets, the expensive treatments and tests that Andrea have undergone over the years at Children's Hospital in Boston have been possible thanks to the financial help that the family has given us, since Andrea has never had health insurance. Now, we have the problem that we have spent all the family funds and the financial burden has resulted in the necessity of our asking for donations to a trust fund, with Andrea as the beneficiary, to help offset expenses.
Keeps fighting and enjoying life as best she can
Andrea has been dealing with severe dismotility problems her whole life, but keeps fighting and enjoying life as best she can.
She is an inspiration to all of us and watching her courageously cope with her medical challenges strengthens our resolve to find ways to be certain that the financial resources are in place to cover current and future expenses.